How have we used the strategies she mentioned during class


A Conversation on Decision-Making Strategies

You've built a lot of momentum in this course, and regardless of outcome, you are no doubt in a different position than you were 9 weeks ago.

At this point in the term, you've done a lot of information-gathering about yourself and career possibilities. With all of this information, how are you going to start focusing in on what you plan to do? Click on the link below to watch the TedTalk and then answer the reflection questions.

How to Make Choosing Easier TedTalkLinks to an external site. Or Sheena Iyengar: How to make choosing easier | TED Talk


A. What points stood out most to you from this video?

B. Can you provide an example of when you've made a tough decision in the past? How does your lived experience compare to what Lyengar shared in the video?

C. How have we used the strategies she mentioned during this class? (Cut, Categorization, Concretization, Condition for Complexity)

D. What additional steps do you need to make in order to feel more satisfied with your major/career choices going forward?

E. As you read the responses of your classmates, include thoughts, advice, experiences you have to share.

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