Title: Rethinking Bilingual Education
Author: Elizabeth Barbian, Grace Cornell Gonzales, Pilar Mejía
Publisher: Rethinking Schools
ISBN: 9781937730734
Using your readings from the text, Rethinking Bilingual Education, construct a detailed response that focuses on the following.
Response must be focused on chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
In the text, Rethinking Bilingual Education, you've read a variety of stories/vignettes about emergent bilingual learners, communities where these students live, and learning spaces that serve these students and their families.
• What connections can you make with these readings and other experiences you have had, students you have taught, communities in where you have served, etc.?
• How have these stories and these connections informed your future role as a teacher of emergent bilingual students?