
How have the advances in technology affected the practices

Question: 1) What has been the impact of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 on health benefits?

2) It's been over 53 years since the passage of the Equal Pay Act. How has this landmark legislation changed the human resources compensation landscape and has it achieved its intended purpose? Provide clear and specific examples and cases.

3) How have the advances in technology affected the practices of Human Resources Management? Provide at least two examples and discuss how those examples have affected HRM and what they hold for the future?

Paper is due on Sunday morning 0800 am the paper needs to be 6 pages!!!! (does not include cover page, the required abstract, the required reference pages, or the optional appendices.)(TOTAL 10 PAGES MINIMUN WHEN YOU INCLUDE THEM)

Your research paper should include the following -

1. Cover Page .50 (include assignment title, research topic name, your name, course, date)

2. Abstract (one paragraph summary of paper - see APA)-

3. Table of Contents

4. Topic/Concept Definition

5. Current Research on the subject (last 5 years)

6. Workplace Trends/Practices

7. Pros and Cons

8. Key Learnings

9. Conclusion

10. References/Bibliography (no references over 5 years old - at least two journal articles)

11. Appendix (if you have charts, graphs, or pictures)- may increase grade by 1 pt for inclusion

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HR Management: How have the advances in technology affected the practices
Reference No:- TGS02939643

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