
How have sociologists made sense of these three concepts it

Need peer reviewed journals, I can send you some if you want or unable to get some.

Need references from especially Journals.

For each concept need one peer reviewed journal.

Need those references as well.

Assignment is on Sociobiography on three concepts Only.

We expect you to approach this assignment as a budding sociologist. So the first question is: how have sociologists made sense of these three concepts? It would be smart to draw on relevant sociological work. Below you can find a suggested starting list, but is really just a starting guide.

Topic 1: Social stratification:

- lifestyles and life chances
- social class
- inequality
- exploitation

Topic 2: Family:
- nuclear family
- double life of the family
- the "privatization of the family"
- structural functionalism

Topic 3: Race/ethnicity:
- racialising (profiling & stereotyping)
- white privilege
- racial inequality
- identity

Topic 4: Gender:
- gender inequalities
- hegemonic masculinities
- doing gender
- the gendered division of labour

Topic 5: Power:
- panopticism (surveillance society)
- legitimate and illegitimate power
- power as quantity
- power as capacity

Topic 6: Education:
- critical humanism
- sanctioned ignorances
- Eurocentrism
- credentialism

Topic 7: Deviance:
- social control
- criminalisation
- labelling theory
- subcultures

Topic 8: Consumption:
- identity
- the prosumer
- the tyranny of choice
- conspicuous consumption (Veblen)

Topic 9: Work:
- emotional labour
- surplus value
- worker resistance
- precarious work

Topic 10: Globalization:
- migration
- globalisms
- cultural/economic/political/ecological globalization
- globality

These are all covered in the lectures and/or in dedicated chapters in Being Sociological.

For this assessment, you must also use at least three peer-reviewed journal articles (not books) to substantiate your writing. A peer-reviewed journal is a journal that includes articles written by academics; the articles have been reviewed by experts in the field of study and are deemed worthy of publication

Words count 1500.
Introduction: around 150-200
Conclusion: around150
Each concept around: 350-400.

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Dissertation: How have sociologists made sense of these three concepts it
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