
How have leaders of the nation or region responded to the

World History Portfolio Directions Toward a Global Civilization

Part 1:

Choose one region or country from Column A and one issue from Column B.

Column  A:  Region or Country

Column B: Global Issue

Eastern Europe

Environmental Crisis (could focus on one or more specific issues such as deforestation, global warming, pollution, chemical wastes, or endangered ecosystems)

Latin America

Impact of Population Growth


Women's Rights/Issues

Middle East

Technological Revolution (impact of modernization and technology)

Indian Subcontinent

Agriculture/Food Supply

Japan and Pacific

Weapons/Arms Race


Health Issues

Western Europe and North America

Economic Challenges: Poverty/Debt


Political Challenges

Once you have selected your region and issue, find three current event articles that focus on your combined selection. For example, you could choose to research the political challenges facing Eastern Europe or environmental issues in China. You may use any national or international newspapers or magazines. Many newspapers (national and international) are available on the World Wide W eb.

For each article, write a paragraph summary covering the who, what, when, why, and where of the article. Include a citation for each summary. Use the MLA Style Guide for the article citation.

Part 2:

Answer the following questions*:

1. How does this issue affect the well-being of the people living within the region?

2. How have leaders of the nation or region responded to the issue? What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of the actions or proposed solutions?

3. How have citizens of the region responded to the issue? This may include any activists or groups within the nation that have tried to address the issue or raise awareness. It may include how the citizens adapt to the conditions or attempt to improve conditions.

4. What is the global impact of the issue? In other words, how does the issue within your chosen region affect other nations of the world?

5. What role(s) has the international community played in this issue? How have international actions (or lack of action) affected the region?

*You may want to use Lesson resources, unitedstreamingTM (available through Virtual Library) or World History: Modern Times for additional information on your region and issue.

Part 3:

Visual Presentation

Create a presentation of the main points of information from Part 2. Include visuals (photo images, symbols, or clip art pictures) that are relevant to the region and/or issue. Be sure to cite sources at the bottom of any image you use. Presentation should be five slides (or five pages) long - one slide for each question 1-5 in Part 2. The presentation should include bulleted lists, outlines, or diagrams of the information rather than paragraph form. You may use MS PowerPoint.

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History: How have leaders of the nation or region responded to the
Reference No:- TGS01388314

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