Question 1
The Theory of Relativity is one of the most famous ideas bantered around popular culture, but what do we really understand about it? How does it apply to everyday life on Earth? For your initial post, find a reference in pop culture to the theory of relativity. Share this example and explain if your source is a good representation of the theory's concepts. For your reply post, explain if your classmates' example pertains more to general relativity, or special relativity.
Respond to this...In the article I found, Andrew Jones breaks the Theory of Relativity into different parts and discusses them. The first part is the concepts where he points out that there is Special Relativity and General Relativity. Jones discusses what normal everyday relativity is and how it relates to us "If you are walking in a moving train, and someone stationary on the ground is watching, your speed relative to the observer will be the sum of your speed relative to the train and the train's speed relative to the observer" (Jones 2017). The idea is that the train is one frame of reference while you are another frame and the observer is another. This is the concept of normal (general) relativity, however the planets have the theory of Special Relativity because General Relativity could not explain how the solar systems work.
Einstein's Theory of Relativity by by Andrew Zimmerman Jones.
Question 2
We've been reading and learning about how social media trends and how they affect our lives. Now let's brainstorm together to explore further. How have all of the changes in social media impacted how people treat each other, spend time with one another, interact with each other? Is social media a way to form new relationships, date, share ideas? What do you think about this and why?
For your response post, choose another student's opinion and give your take on it, using at least one example to support your view.
Respond to this...I feel that social media has become an ‘alternative' to in person communication. I am not a huge user of social media so I may be a bit biased; but I feel as though it has replaced face-to-face and telephone communication. This is sad to me. I do think that social media has its upsides such as staying in contact with those who have moved far away or someone you have lost touch with over the years. I also agree that it can be a great way to meet new people, but I have a problem with the way it has really changed how we socialize. I feel that people don't necessarily have the communication skills that they once may have had before the social media craze started. What happened to the ‘old days' where people got together with one another or called their friend on the phone to tell them about things that they have done? Now it seems as though things are just put on Facebook and this is how we socialize and find out new things about one another.