I. Planetary Health (Horton & Lo)
i. Lo desribes planetary health as the health of human civilization and the state of the natural systems on which it depends. How do these dimensions impact each other?
ii. What are some examples of human systems that negatively impact natural systems? What are the commonalities between them?
iii. Karl Butzer says the current alarmist literature is unhelpful. Why does he think this? Do you agree?
iv. How does universal education help or hinder human cooperation?
II. Racism is Killing the Planet (Hopkins)
i. When discussing the relationship between climate change and racism, what does Hopkins mean by "sacrifice zones?"
ii. What was Johnsons v. M'Intosh and how did it contribute to sacrifice zones?
iii. How has white supremacy created a racial divide in the lower class and how has it shown up in our environment?
iv. The Environmental Justice Process model shows that dialogue should begin between decision makers, scientists, and communities affected.
Given the relationship between white supremacy and the environment, do you feel that corporations are adequately involved in the conversations on how to mitigate/adapt to the effects of climate change? Why or why not?