
How has the setting of goals and values assisted fortescue

You are required to analyse the strategic management of one of two specific Australian companies, either Qantas or Fortescue metals. In addition to the case study material your analysis needs to include additional research. You need to discuss the following:

a) Provide a situational analysis of the company under investigation.

b) Discuss the fit between the company strategy and its context.

c) Analyse and evaluate the current strategic approach in the organisation.

d) Discuss the fit between the company strategy and its goals and expectations.

e) Outline the future for the organisation you have chosen based on their current situation and strategy.


1. Describe the nature and sources of Fortescue's competitive advantage.

2. How has the setting of goals and values assisted Fortescue in achieving strong organisational performance?

3. What is the ‘state of play' in the mining industry in Australia and globally?

4. How is the Fortescue board of directors structured? What is Fortescue's reputation regarding corporate governance practice?

5. What is the future for Fortescue Metals Group? Explain your

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Other Subject: How has the setting of goals and values assisted fortescue
Reference No:- TGS0983081

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In this task , I have given a indepth analysis of fortescue metals.It mentions the strengths , weakness and what are the chances or options of it in the future.Fortescue metals have a promising future ahead .Fortescue has also maintained a nice image in Corporate sector as well.

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