
How has the news media evolved from the nations founding to


1. In this unit, we have discussed both the introduction and the literature review. Throughout the process of writing both of these sections, you have no doubt gained a better understanding of the controversy that you are exploring with your paper. You probably have a better sense of your argument and what you would like your points to be for your body paragraphs. Consider what you have experienced over the last few units. We are at the halfway point in the course, so think about how far you have come.

In this reflection, introduce your classmates to your project. Tell them about the pro and con sides of the controversy, and present them with your thesis statement. Then, consider some of the following questions as you reflect upon the road so far. If you want to, explain a little bit about your process. What have you experienced so far in writing your paper? Was it difficult or fairly easy to come up with your design? Do you feel confident about your progress so far? How do you feel about your thesis statement? What would you like to do in revisions? What step seems the most difficult or the easiest for you?


1. Why do you think politically active citizen groups are generally more ideological-whether conservative or liberal-than is the society as a whole? Are citizens with strong views somehow more attracted to organized political activity than those with more moderate opinions? Explain your answer.

There are many interest groups in America. After reviewing those found here (https://www.twyman-whitney.com/americancitizen/links/lobbies.htm) or here (https://votesmart.org/interest-groups#.UX_95ko7ZyY), pretend that you are going to join one and explain why. Then list two or three that you would not care to join and why.

Question 1

Do you feel that special interest groups have too much power in politics today? Why or why not? Do you think we should allow these interest groups to continue to function as they currently do? Why or why not? What do you think would happen to our nation if we did not allow interest groups to continue to operate?

Question 2

How has the news media evolved from the nation's founding to what it is today? Discuss the various functions the news media has in American society. How well do you feel the media carries out these functions?

Question 3

What are the two major types of interest groups and examples of each? Which of these types of interest groups tend to be more powerful? Explain your choice.

Question 4

Describe the difference and similarities between inside lobbying and outside lobbying. Discuss laws and regulations that apply to each.

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Dissertation: How has the news media evolved from the nations founding to
Reference No:- TGS01530873

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