
How has the icj invoked the principle of reciprocity

Your goal in this assignment is to discuss the effect of reservations on treaties in international law. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has addressed the use of reservations in its 1951 Advisory Opinion on Reservations to the Genocide Conventio and its 1957 ruling on the Norwegian Loans case. Answer the following questions wit respect to these decisions by the ICJ:

1. What advantages does allowing reservations to treaties have? What disadvantages?

2. How has the ICJ invoked the principle of reciprocity with respect to treaty reservations? Be sure to discuss the two ICJ rulings mentioned above to illustrate your answer.

3. What did some of the individual or dissenting arguments made in the two rulings have to say about treaty reservations?

4. Do you agree that countries should be allowed to make reservations to treaties? Why or why not?

Answer the questions in a maximum of four pages. Your answers must be typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, black ink, 1” margins, page numbers, and stapled. Please type your name, date, and the assignment number and title at the top of the page in the left column. Do not include a title page.

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Other Subject: How has the icj invoked the principle of reciprocity
Reference No:- TGS01426369

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