
How has the field of public health administration evolved


How does one define the field of public health administration? If you think about it, there are some professions that are fairly easy to define. Examples might be a carpenter, attorney, auto mechanic, registered nurse, dentist, physician, secretary, etc. Granted, the specifics of those jobs (and most others) can vary widely but if one says the title, most people would have a basic understanding of what the job means. But what if I tell someone I am a public health administrator? Would they know what I do?

You may have already noted that your text is entitled "Principles of Public Health Practice." You should note that it doesn't necessarily focus on administration or leadership when discussing a topic. Thus, as you move forward in this course, I would like you to try to view the topics in the lectures/text from the point of the public health administrator or leader rather than from the point of the public health practitioner.

For this week's discussion, please address one of the following:

1. Given the history of public health, how has the field of public health administration evolved? In other words, how does the role of the public health administrator of today differ from the role of the public health administrator in the past (25, 50, 75, years ago, etc.)? Write a paragraph that compares the role of a public health administrator today with an example from the past.

2. Post an article (attach as pdf, do no post a link) that you believe addresses what it is that a public health administrator does or how the field of public health administration is defined and explain why you believe it is relevant to this discussion. The article can be current or it can be historical.

By the end of this discussion, make sure that you understand what a public health administrator is, what a public health organization is, what a public health practitioner is, and what a public health worker

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Microeconomics: How has the field of public health administration evolved
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