
How has social media changed the way you consume

1) How has social media changed the way you consume entertainment, play games, and learn about news? How important are these services to your generation vs. the way your parents consume such information? What do these trends mean for managers and marketers?

2) Search online to find out which blogs are currently the most popular. Why do you suppose the leaders are so popular?

3) Why would a corporation, an executive, a news outlet, or a college student want to blog? What are the benefits? What are the concerns?

4) If anyone can edit a wiki, why aren’t more sites concerned about vandalism or by inaccurate or inappropriate content? Are there technical reasons not to be concerned? Are there “social” reasons that can alleviate concern?

5) Do you feel that you can trust content in wikis? Do you feel this content is more or less reliable than content in print encyclopedias; than the content in newspaper articles? Why?

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Operation Management: How has social media changed the way you consume
Reference No:- TGS02913297

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