
How has social media affected societys communication skills

For the first part of the Argumentative Writing Assignment you submitted in Unit 6, you selected one of the questions below to develop into an outline.

In this second part of the Argumentative Writing Assignment, you will need to continue with that topic.

Gender Pay Gap

Why or why not is there a gender pay gap in modern society, and what should be done to address it?

The Argumentative Writing Assignment requires that you form an argument in favor of a specific position on one of the topics above.

In the assignment, you will be using three academic and scholarly sources; two articles should be in favor of your position and one article should feature the counterargument.

Argumentative Writing Assignment

For the first part of the Argumentative Writing Assignment you submitted in Unit 6, you selected one of the questions below to develop into an outline. In this second part of the Argumentative Writing Assignment, you will need to continue with that topic. 
1.  Social Media and Communication

•  How has social media affected society’s communication skills in a positive OR negative manner?

2.  Gender Pay Gap

•  Why or why not is there a gender pay gap in modern society, and what should be done to address it?
3.  Arts Funding

•  How necessary is arts funding in the American education system?
The Argumentative Writing Assignment requires that you form an argument in favor of a specific position on one of the topics above. In the assignment, you will be using three academic and scholarly sources; two articles should be in favor of your position and one article should feature the counterargument. 
Thesis Statement and Argument 
After careful thought, you will be transforming your chosen topic into an arguable thesis.

The assignment will show a clear argument that is outlined in your thesis statement.

This research paper must present an original thesis that is strongly supported throughout your whole essay.

Body Paragraphs and Evidence
The overall essay will be three to four pages long and employ APA format. You should also include a title page. Within your essay, use at least three academic and scholarly sources to support your claim. All researched information must be accurately cited according to APA format.

You will need to include at least three parenthetical, in-text citations and three references for the sources used in your essay. A references page should be placed at the end of the paper. Please use the Library’s Academic Journal resources to find your sources.

Introduction and Conclusion
The introduction should set up the essay for the reader. What information is necessary for the reader to have at the start of the essay so that the rest of the essay makes sense?

You should end the introduction with your arguable thesis statement. The conclusion ends the essay. In the conclusion, you want to wrap up your ideas.

You should bring up the thesis statement, but you do not have to restate it. Your conclusion should leave the reader with your final impression of the subject.

The introduction and conclusion should be tied together but they should not be exact replicas of each other.
Additional Guidelines
Follow these guidelines to write your Argumentative Writing Assignment:
•  Include a minimum of three APA in-text citations

•  Include an APA reference page with a minimum of three entries

•  Include an APA title page and a running head

•  The essay (not including the title page and references page) should be 3-4 pages in length

•  Be objective and avoid using “I,” “me,” “you,” “we,” or “us.”

•  Be sure to use the Writing Tips page to help with your APA formatting.

•  Use your sources to support your thesis statement and argument, but make sure to show the reader the other side of your argument to avoid being biased.

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Operation Management: How has social media affected societys communication skills
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