
How has harley davidson used brand extensions how effective

Watch the Harley Davidson video. You may have to copy and paste the following link, rather than simply clicking on it.

LINK: https://media.pearsoncmg.com/ph/bp/bp_akamai/kotler/Harley_Davidson.html
Answer the following questions in a Microsoft Word document by February 17, 2016, 11:59 PM. This is worth 25 points.

Discussion Questions-

1. How has Harley Davidson used brand extensions? How effective are they?

2. How was Harley Davidson able to evoke an emotional buying experience for customers purchasing motorcycles?

3. Discuss how Harley Davidson differentiates the brand identify from the competition.

4. How does Harley Davidson use services to augment their product line?

Interbrand is a brand consultancy, specializing in areas such as brand strategy, brand analytics, brand valuation, corporate design, digital brand management, packaging design and naming.

1. Go to the Interbrand 2015 Best 100 Global Brands at https://interbrand.com/best-brands/best-global-brands/2015/ranking/. Concentrate on the top 20 brands.

2. Compare the top 20 in 2015 with the top 20 from 10 years ago (2005).https://interbrand.com/best-brands/best-global-brands/2005/ranking/. Choose one company that was in the top 20 in in 2005, but not in 2015 - OR one that is in the top 20 in 2015, but not in 2005.

3. Research that company and discuss in two-three paragraphs why it was in the top 20 in one year, but not in the other. What is it about the brand that changed? How did it gain (or lose) so much brand equity in 10 years?

4. Cite any sources, other than the interbrand website, that you use.

5. Use Microsoft Word to submit your homework.

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HR Management: How has harley davidson used brand extensions how effective
Reference No:- TGS01281039

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