
How has american exceptionalism influenced the ways in

Essay Question

How has American exceptionalism influenced the ways in which Americans remember the history of the Colonial Era? Do you think this influence is beneficial? Why or why not?

Content Requirements:

Your essay must include at least three specific pieces of information, including specifics from the different weeks of class.

Your essay must use and cite both A Patriot's History of the United States and A People's History of the United States at least once (probably more than once).

Your essay must use and cite at least one other reading or video from our class (see course page).

You may not use outside sources of information for this paper.

In-text citations of books must include the specific information noted in the Course Map and Start Here under "Materials Needed for this Course and Citing Them."

This essay should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced, in 11-point Times New Roman Font and standard Word margins.

DO NOT include a HEADER OR YOUR NAME AT THE TOP (no date etc. - the magic of the internet will tell me your name and when you submitted your essay).

Do NOT include a cover page.

DO INCLUDE a works cited page.

DO INCLUDE a footer with page numbers.

DO INCLUDE a title. Give your essay a pithy title. [1]

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History: How has american exceptionalism influenced the ways in
Reference No:- TGS02798693

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