How grammar and syntax are related

Problem: How can you respond to this discussion: I believe that grammar and syntax are related, but mean different things. Grammar is talking about the whole body of text. However, syntax is only a certain part of grammar, ensuring that each word is being used properly and flows throughout the text. I speak Spanish and proper grammar of the language has helped me study certain spellings of words and when to use accents on words. However, syntax has helped me place correct words and phrases together. To ensure that my words are flowing smoothly as I speak, instead of chopped up. Having to worry about grammar and syntax brings another difficulty to studying a language, because it can be easy to learn what words mean what. However, being able to actually bring them together and to use them properly can be tough. Since there could be situations where I want to use certain words, but when I say it in a sentence others tell me that I could have used a better word for it instead. Though I do believe that grammar and syntax is important, people's words should flow smoothly as you speak. My attitude about grammar and syntax will heavily influence students because I want to ensure that they realize how important they are for speaking and writing. Learning and understanding words is important, but being able to properly place them in sentences is even more crucial to understand. Or else everyone would just speak choppily and make little sense. I hope my attitude is contagious because even though learning grammar and syntax is difficult and a lot of work. However, it is so beneficial for the students later on in life. It will help them learn early on that even though grammar and syntax is difficult it is essential for their speech and writing, and hopefully they will realize that while teaching them about it.

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