
How google inc. is using new google cloud ai platform


Make a short summary about how Google Inc. is using new Google Cloud AI Platform. Please reference your source or include it here and explain the importance of your article.

Look for specific articles that talk about how firms are using IT or new IT innovation. For example, you might find an article that shows how UPS is using IT to limit the number of left-hand turns on its delivery routes as a way to save on gas or how Dell is using IT to reduce the time that it takes to create a new laptop. The IT articles that you are looking for must have an information component and a technology component.

You can begin your critique by giving a short summary in two to three sentences of what the article is about. I am looking for a well-crafted, logical set of viewpoints.  I expect that whatever you submit will be original material. If you include material from the source article or from any other sources, include it in quotation marks and note the full and precise citation at the bottom of the critique.

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Other Subject: How google inc. is using new google cloud ai platform
Reference No:- TGS03325596

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