
How good are you at influencing people across an


How good are you at influencing people across an organization? To learn something about your political skills, answer the questions that follow.

If you choose, you may discuss your results.

Please answer whether each item is Mostly True or Mostly False for you.

I am able to communicate easily and effectively with others.
I spent a lot of time at work developing connections with people outside my area.
I instinctively know the right thing to say or do to influence others.
I am good at using my connections outside my area to get things done at work.
When communicating with others I am absolutely genuine in what I say and do.
It is easy for me to reach out to new people
I am a stranger so comfortable and at ease around me.
I am good at sensing the motivations and hidden agendas of others.

Scoring: Give yourself one point for each market is Mostly True.

Interpretation: having some basic political skill helps a person gain broad support and influence. Political skills help build personal and organizational relationships that enhance outcomes. A score of six or higher suggests active political skills and a good start for your career, especially in an organization in which things get done politically. If you scored three or less, you may want to focus more on building collegial and supportive relationships as you progress in your career. If not, perhaps join an organization in which decisions and actions are decided by rational procedures rather than by supportive key conditions.

Dr. Judy

Adapted from Ferris, Treadway, Kolodinsky, Hochwarter, Kacmea, Douglas, & Frink (2005). Development and validation of the political skill inventory. Journal of Management 31. Retrieved from https://www.case.edu/provost/ideal/doc/PoliticalSkill_InventoryFerris.pdf

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Project Management: How good are you at influencing people across an
Reference No:- TGS02229262

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