
How gi health can impact overall health consider the

Q. How GI health can impact overall health. Consider the relationship between gastrointestinal health and chronic and complex heath conditions.

Q. Select one chronic or complex condition and explore this relationship by addressing the following questions.

Discuss the factors surrounding gastrointestinal health that will need to be considered in the nursing assessment for the selected condition?

Discuss which dietary and gastrointestinal considerations would the nurse need to address in providing education to the individual with the selected condition?

Critically analyse the manner in which gastrointestinal anatomy and physiology is affected by the selected condition.

Outline the most significant diagnostics and pharmacological treatments for the selected condition, and discuss the nurses role within providing these.

Your response should be patient centred and approach the topic from a holistic appreciation of healthcare.

Some conditions that you might consider are:

Depression or other mental health conditions

Renal failure

Allergies including conditions like excema

Asthma and or respiratory conditions

Medical/Surgical conditions such as Pancreatitis


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Dissertation: How gi health can impact overall health consider the
Reference No:- TGS02782723

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