
How gendered violence movement and policy develop in

Topic: How Gendered Violence Movement and Policy Develop in China
Overall, in the paper, you will need to communicate what your project is about and what you learned, in relationship to the course (our textbook is Gender Violence: A Cultural Perspective written by S. E Merry, so you can referr to this book.). More specifically, you should be sure to address:

What was your original research question?

What is the theoretical framework you employ?

What is the main argument you are making in this paper?

What methods and/or materials did you use to do the research that is the basis of your paper?

Basic requirements
• Must include meaningful analysis and engagement of anthropological research (at least 4 anthropological sources from an anthropology peer-reviewed journal)
• Can use interviews.
• At least 10-pages
• 12 point, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, double-spaced

What I want to talk about is that, how gender violence movements get shaped and focuses changed in Chinese societyfrom 1930 to today, like from women kidnaping to domestic violence. Also, how policies get changed and reformed through these decades.

Outline of this paper:
Professor asked us to do a presentation based this research paper, so I need an outline of this paper, basically how you construct this paper, what is it talk about, what research you did, which papers you pick and why you pick them.

Also in the paper, I want you to write about women kidnapping issue in China. The movie Blind Mountainis mainly talked about women kidnaping, and will mention in the presentation, but you don't need to include in the paper.


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Science: How gendered violence movement and policy develop in
Reference No:- TGS01679438

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