How ge is addressing the needs of their hospital customers

Discussion 1: Buyer Behavior

The typical buying process consists of the following sequence of events: problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post purchase behavior. What specifically do you do as a consumer in each of these stages in a high involvement purchase like buying a house or a car? List the four main psychological processes as discussed in the text and what should marketers do to manage these four psychological processes affecting consumer behavior?

Discussion 2: Customer Needs

Visit GE Healthcare. In context to the major points of chapter 5, define how GE is addressing the needs of their hospital customers by the design of this Web site? Where and what is GE doing right, what is GE doing wrong, and where can GE improve using marketing research? In context of chapter 3, where can GE improve using marketing research?

Required Resources


Read the following chapters in Managerial marketing:
• Chapter 3: Market Research: Identifying Market Opportunities
• Chapter 4: Evaluating Market Demand and Forecasting
• Chapter 5: Analyzing Markets: Decision Making and Buyer Behavior

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Marketing Management: How ge is addressing the needs of their hospital customers
Reference No:- TGS02980716

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