
How family interacted during a recent supper held at school

Problem: Four-year-old Joseph's use of aggressive behavior has been a challenge for the past month. Just yesterday he kicked and injured a classmate on the playground, and unfortunately these types of incidents have become more frequent. His teacher, Arlene, has discussed the problem with his parents and has been developing a plan with her co-teacher and director to help him channel his energy and emotions in more positive directions. Arlene was glad when Joseph's mother, Victoria, stopped by the classroom recently but Arlene didn't know how to respond when Victoria reminded Arlene how important it is to her and her husband that Joseph behaves in school. Victoria asked Arlene to report to her immediately if Joseph misbehaved so that they could punish him. Arlene is concerned about this request because she suspects that this family's approach to discipline is quite harsh, based on her previous conversations with Victoria and her observations of how the family interacted during a recent supper held at school.

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Reference No:- TGS03360597

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