
How factors outside health sector influence the health

Assignment task: Amanda Moss minimum of one specific SDOH factor from each of the 5 social determinants of health categories and include the current health status of the selected community. Based on the information learned from your research and the creation of the concept map, discuss the following questions with your peers to solidify what you have learned.

1) How do factors outside of the health sector influence the health of the community?

2) What did the data analysis reveal about the community that was unexpected?

3) What opportunities for the promotion of community health were revealed as a result of this project?

4) What impact might identification of SDOH factors have on the community?

5) What other organizations within the community might benefit from the data that was collected as it relates to the promotion of community health?

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Other Subject: How factors outside health sector influence the health
Reference No:- TGS03429592

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