How extract fits into the authors broader political theory

Problem: Describe what the extract means then say how the extract fits into the author's broader political theory.

Plato - [GLAUCON says to SOCRATES] Now, listen to the first thing I said I was going to talk about - what sort of thing justice is, and how it arises. Doing wrong, men say, is by its nature a good - and being wronged an evil - but the evil of being wronged outweighs the good of doing wrong. As a result, when people wrong one another and are wronged by one another, and get a taste of both, those who are unable to avoid the one and achieve the other think it will pay them to come to an agreement with one another not to do wrong and not to be wronged. That's how they come to start making laws and agreements with one another, and calling lawful and just that which is laid down by the law. It is a mean between the best-doing justice with impunity-and the worst-suffering injustice without the possibility of requital.

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