
How exercise is celebration of what your body can do

Assignment task: Need help answering these discussion questions. Answer must be at least two-three sentences

Discussion board 1:

"Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do. Not a punishment for what you ate."

When you shift your focus on exercising away from weight-oriented goals (or at least take them away from being the primary goal) and start focusing on how your body can feel and celebrating everything that it can do, it opens up many new possibilities. There's nothing too small in the gym that shouldn't be celebrated. Everything is an accomplishment.  Running a few extra minutes, lifting five extra pounds, or just adding in a few reps. It all happens because you make it happen. Another saying I love is, "Show up for yourself."

Discussion board 2:

'Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.' by Henry David Thoreau.

This quote can be used for both keeping an exercise routine and for life inspiration in general.

Discussion board 3:

Reward yourself whenever you reach a fitness goal - for example, your aim is to walk every night after work and you've achieved your goal. Rewards could range from a magazine membership to a manicure. Sooner or later the reward will be the walk itself! The point is to celebrate your achievements in any way that is meaningful to you. This is something that allows me to stay motivated because if I'm being honest, after a long, hard day at work, I'm not always in the mood to exercise. However, the rewards I give myself, motivate me to keep going.

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