
How evolving case study reflects your educational philosophy

Assignment task:

Taking this evolving case study as example

Evolving Case Study: Mrs. Smith - Stage 1

Stage 1: Initial Assessment and Care

Information to be presented to the Learner: As an ED nurse, you enter Mrs. Smith's room and find her lying on a stretcher. She appears anxious but responsive. Upon greeting her, you introduce yourself, asking her to state her name and date of birth. Mrs. Smith responds appropriately, and you verify her identity with her wristband. Mrs. Smith is a 68-year-old female who presents with a fever, cough, and shortness of breath that has progressively worsened over the past three days. Need Online Help?

Stage 2: Deterioration of Mrs. Smith's Condition

Trigger for Stage 2: Mrs. Smith's condition worsens after a few hours. Despite supplemental oxygen, her oxygen saturation drops to 82%, and her respiratory rate increases to 30 breaths per minute. She becomes increasingly fatigued and is unable to complete sentences without gasping for breath. Her blood pressure has dropped to 90/60, and her heart rate is now 125 bpm.

A rapid response team is called.

Information to be presented to the Learner: Mrs. Smith's condition has deteriorated rapidly, and she is now showing signs of respiratory distress and potential septic shock. You have increased her oxygen supplementation, but her O2 saturation remains low. You prepare to escalate care by notifying the attending physician and administering more aggressive interventions such as intravenous fluids, bronchodilators, and considering non-invasive ventilation (BiPAP or CPAP).

Create and develop a subsequent stage 3. The stage 3 (Stabilization of the patient) should contain a detailed description of what triggered it (for example: Stage 3 is triggered by Mrs. Smith condition improving as evidenced by ....) and the three points: Information to be presented to the learner, Actions learners should demonstrate, and Critical thinking questions. Critical thinking questions should be between 3 and 5 for each stage.

Debrief the complete evolving case study.

This section presents debriefing with the following information being required: · Two critical thinking questions that focuses on:

One question that focuses on holistic care

One question that focuses on an ethical element of the case study

Thorough explanation of the nurse educator's role during the debriefing

Thorough explanation of how debriefing contributes to learning by the target audience

Self-reflect about the evolving case study

This section presents debriefing with the following information being required:

Identify how an evolving case study reflects your educational philosophy.

Identify how does the use of critical thinking questions reflect contructivism philosophy.

Include at least 3 scholar article (after 2020) with references which support the debriefing and self-reflection.

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Other Subject: How evolving case study reflects your educational philosophy
Reference No:- TGS03449473

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