
How elements of race class gender and sexuality crime itself


Write a reflection of the following - Sacco and Vanzett murder and the murder of medgar Evers

A. A brief summary of the crime itself .

B. The socio-political context of the crime

C. What is happening at the time that makes this particular crime relevant and/or important? How is the political moment reflected in the crime and its coverage?

D. The socio-political effects of the crime - how did the crime shape politics, society, and/or economics at the time? How did the criminal justice system react?

E. How are elements of race, class, gender, and/or sexuality at play in the crime itself or its coverage?

F. Source material - you must cite at least 2 course texts. You can include outside material. Cite the source using the Chicago Manual of citation.

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History: How elements of race class gender and sexuality crime itself
Reference No:- TGS03229589

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