
How effectively do management practices at tuscany village

Appendix A: Interview Questionnaire

A. Demographic Information

Educational Attainment:
Marital Status
Years in Position:

B. Interview Questions in relation to the Research Questions

Research Question 1: How effectively do management practices at Tuscany Village Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation impact employee performance and frontline care?

Sub Research Question 1: What do managers and nurses perceive to be the leadership models and policies in place to ensure high levels of employee performance and frontline care?

Sub Research Question 2: What do managers and nurses perceive to be the strengths and weaknesses of the Tuscany Village and Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation in terms of employee performance and frontline care?

Sub Research Question 3: What improvements do managers and nurses perceive as required for the Tuscany Village and Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation to improve employee performance and frontline care?


The key research questions to be asked in assessing physician perceptions of leadership effectiveness in front-line managers.

1. Background: Brief explanation of the study purpose and methodology: The purpose of this interview is to understand how physicians judge leadership effectiveness in managers, specifically front-line managers in hospitals. For the purpose of this interview, I'd like you to keep in mind the following definition of leadership: "The process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of commontasks or organizational goals." 1

2. Tell me about your general experiences with front-line managers (grand tour question) Now let's talk specifically about leadership effectiveness in front-line managers

3. I'd like you to think about a manager or managers who you felt were really good leaders....can you please describe what made you think about them that way?

Follow up questions if needed

a. Were there any specific behaviors that particularly contributed to your feelings about their leadership skills?
b. What about manager relationships with physicians and staff? Can you please talk about how these affect your perception of their leadership skill?
c. What kinds of specific skills or knowledge do you think are important for a manager in order to be seen as a good leader?
d. In considering what we just discussed, what do you see as the three most important activities/ behaviors/ activities/ competencies/ characteristics of a good leader in a frontline manager position?

4. I'd like you to think about a manager or managers who you felt were really bad leaders....can you please describe what made you think about them that way?

Follow up questions if needed
a. Were there any specific behaviors that particularly contributed to your feelings about their leadership skills?
b. What about manager relationships with physicians and staff? Can you please talk about specific relationship factors that negatively your perception of their leadership skill?
c. Were there any specific behaviors or skills (present or absent) that affected how you felt about the manager's leadership skills
d. In considering what we just discussed, what do you see as the three most important activities/ behaviors/ activities/ competencies/ characteristics that negatively affect your view of a manager's leadership skills
5. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about how you decide if a manager is aneffective leader or not?

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Dissertation: How effectively do management practices at tuscany village
Reference No:- TGS01361455

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