
How effectively did the speaker inform you on the topichow

Watch every student's Informative Presentation and leave brief, specific feedback (more than "good speech" or "nice job") for them on YouSeeU. For help viewing your peers' presentations, view this YouSeeU Peer Review Walkthrough. Completion of this brief, specific feedback on every student's presentation will be factored into the student's grade on this peer review assignment.

Then, for each of the two peers assigned to you, provide a more in-depth peer review of their presentation.

In your review, you should address the following questions:

• Who was the presenter?

• What were your overall impressions of this presentation?

For the following questions, rate on a 1 to 5 scale (1 for least effective, 5 for most effective) and then explain in a sentence or two why, specifically, you rate it this way:

• How effectively did the speaker inform you on the topic?
• How effectively did the speaker address the topic?
• How effectively did the speaker make you care about this topic?
• How effectively did the speaker attract and hold your attention?
• How effectively did the speaker deliver the speech smoothly and clearly?

It is suggested that you copy and paste the above directly into your discussion response twice (once for each presenter) to ensure that you answer each of these questions in your review.

Remember that you will create two in-depth peer reviews in this discussion forum, one for each of your assigned peers. Each peer review should be created in a separate post and at least 250 words. Any text copied from the discussion prompt above will not be included in your word count.

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Other Subject: How effectively did the speaker inform you on the topichow
Reference No:- TGS01573056

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