Salvation Langston Hughes
My aunt told me that when you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to you inside! And Jesus came into your life! AND: A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old men with work-gnarled hands. And the church sang a song about the lower lights are burning, some poor sinners to be saved. And the whole building rocked with prayer and song.
IN WHAT"S YOUR NAME GIRL: She was singularly unattractive until she smiled, and then the lines around her eyes and mouth which made her look perpetually dirty disappeared, and her face looked like the mask of a mischievous elf.
Write the answers to these questions but only these paragraphs
A. What specifically about the story demonstrates or describes the main idea?
B. Once you decide on the main idea, see if you can find a dominant impression that tells the scene and be specific.
C. Ask yourself: What scene or words stand out to me?
D. Are there any similes or metaphors that stand out?
E. What or how many of the senses does the author use to create the word picture? Be specific.
F. How effective is the narrator's descriptive writing?