
How effective is the current public health approach to

Assignment 1-

This assignment should help you to organize your thoughts about your research. Take time to really think about the questions - this effort will make writing the actual paper much easier. Please complete this worksheet and submit on Bb. You need to submit only once per pair (make sure I know who you are working with!).

1. With your partner, develop a research question. Write your research question here:

*Please ensure that the question is not answered by the book's author.

Question is. "How has the development in human society led to the increased frequency of obesity?"

2. Why do you have this question? Please write a paragraph or two explaining your interest in this question. Give specific information from the book that leads you to ask this question (include page numbers). Explain how this information relates to your question.

Obesity in the whole world has become a public health problem in that it has raised concern. About 700 million people aged 15 years and above in the entire world are obese. The prevalence rate of based on years past shows a rapid increase of obesity in developed countries mainlyPacificregion. Variouscancers,cardiovasculardiseases-morbidities, type II diabetes are some of the factors which lead to morbidity and mortality; thisis based on literature on body exhaustive.

A public health strategyis, therefore, to be developed based on prevention of obesity rate of increase. The development and also the process of policies on preventing obesity should target factors which tend to contribute to obesity. Moreover, it should target barriers to lifestyle changes which are personal and also environmental and levels socioeconomic.

There are etiologies which contribute to obesity in which this etiologies are multifactorial,some if these factors include sedentary lifestyle,adverse socio-economic conditions which are there in developed countries, high rate of energy dense food,rigid restraint,alcohol,large portion sizes and food ratio which are prepared outside home (mostly in developed countries) page 70 (International journal of environmental research and public health).

There is a proposed framework by sacks (2009) where a suggestion is made that there should be policy actionsand implementation of health strategies to preventing obesity. These factors target environments,behaviors directly influencing people,physical activity settings,foodenvironments and also the socioeconomic environments.

3. What do you need to learn as a biologist to understand your question in the context of human evolution?

Obesity,diabetes and also metabolic syndrome has become a worldwide health concern due to that they are growing rapidly,andtheir causes are not fullyunderstood. Therefore a research into the obesity epidemic etiology is highly appreciated depending on the evolutionary roots of metabolic control. Thrifty gene hypothesis argues that obesity is an evolutionary roots of metabolic control for half a century.researchers of biology should, therefore, factor in that there is a limited evidence too to support the thrifty gene hypothesis and here is a better hypothesis which has been suggested which presents more evidence on obesity epidemic to readers on additional hypotheses on its evolutionary origins.And due to these alternate theories which imply that different strategies for research and the management of obesity clinically are significant. Geneticist James Neel introduced the first significant evolution of a thrifty gene in 1962 where he explained obesity epidemic basedevolution. Neel argued that the tendency for one to become diabetic (being obese) is an adaptive trait which has become incompatible to modern styles. He made an assumption based on thrifty gene hypotheses that on the due course of human evolution,humanbeing got subjected to feast and famine periods consistently which translates that during famine human body stores energy during thefestive season and releases or used them in metabolic processes during starvation.

4. What do you need to learn as a biologist to understand your question in the context of human domestication of other organisms (plants and animals)?

In the ancient times,human learned how to cook and preserve food primarily by fermenting,drying,and preserving by salt due to the scarcity of food. The experience led to the professional modern technological way of keepingfood(hall,1989:Floros 2008). In alatertime,domestication time domesticating and land cultivation spread where at the end of the human last ice people started to be revolutionized eating meat through the domestication of animals for food. Therefore, plant and animal farming improved the human condition of overcoming hunger and diseases. The food which has been revolutionized by using modern technology which turned the red meat consumption which was initially full of calories to be of greater safety,flavorful,andnutritious.Food science and technology added the success the modern system by incorporating disciplines like biology, chemistry, genomics, compute to solve difficult problems, suchas resolving nutritional deficiencies and enhancing food safety. Thecurrent food system which isimprovised from the traditional one has significantly optimized health and reduced risk of diseases like obesity where people in the past consumed red meat and took unprocessed fats and oils from plants which increase the calories in their bodies leading to high risk of obesity

5. What do you need to learn as a biologist to understand your question in the context of human disease evolution?

Lack of awareness of the importance of fundamental principles of evolutionary biology by physicians,medical researchers, educatorsor even anybody who has a mission of focusing on mechanism basis of medicinewhich makes them exclude the considerations of evolutionary factors(reasons). Evolutionary medicine provides a quite number of insights into major diseases which then enables them to understand fully of human biology of medicine.The most fundamental principles of the evolutionary medicine are selection act on thefitness of which it cannotbe longevity or health;that our history of evolutionary does not cause disease, but itrather has greater disease risk impact on us in particularenvironments. This translates that we are living in a novel environment when it is compared to those which we evolved from. These evolutionary principles are considered in aggregation with thegenetics of the population and describe diverse paths in which evolutionary processes can affect the risk of disease. There is aperspective provision on acohesiveframeworkforachieving visions into what determines health and illness. The advancesofferinsights in evolutionary perspectives,epigenetic,developmental biology research, and Eve genomics is complementarily coupled and provides more understanding of thedisease.

6. What do you need to learn as a biologist to understand the influence of the environment on your question?

There are interacting effects in which among them is environmental factors, thepredisposition of genetics, and the individual behavior based on the individual behavior in gaining excess weight has led to an interest in research b biologists in recent decades. The gene-environment interaction is genetic aspects substantially determine a situation where the adaptation or response to an environmental agent, a change of behavior is conditional on the individual genotype .the observational evidence has given a clear and substantial evidence the susceptibility to obesity, but the environment encourages the expression of the phenotype.Clearevidence is where 285 healthy Japanese men were studied, and it indicated that a missense variant in the gene receptor-interleukin 6 tends to interact fully with dietary energy consumption levels in connection to therisk of abdominal obesity.

7. Can you divide your question into sub-questions? Give a list of 8-10 sub-questions that relate to your main question. (You don't have to answer them yet!)

1. how our history of as species through our particular lineage and life cycle influences our susceptibility to diseases in our environments?
2. How does personalized nutrition affect thefrequency of obesity?
3. What are the societal factors that increase the growth of obesity?
4. Discuss the socioeconomic factors that increase the rate of cancer?
5. How evolutionary principles improve the context of human health and diseases?
6. How effective is the current public health approach to obesity?
7. What are the health risk factors of obesity?
8. How does the development of revolutionized food science and technology reduce the risks of obesity?


1) Weyer, C., Funahashi, T., Tanaka, S., Hotta, K., Matsuzawa, Y., Pratley, R. E., &Tataranni, P. A. (2001). Hypoadiponectinemia in obesity and type 2 diabetes: close association with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 86(5), 1930-1935.

2) Vogel, F., &Motulsky, A. G. (2013). Vogel and Motulsky's Human Genetics: Problems and Approaches. Springer Science & Business Media.

3) Ingold, T. (2000). The perception of the environment: essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill. Psychology Press.

4) McMichael, A. J. (2001). Human frontiers, environments and disease: past patterns, uncertain futures. Cambridge University Press.

Assignment 2-

This assignment will help you to organize your paper and the information you find. Please submit this outline on Bb - one submission per pair is fine (make sure I know who you are working with!)

Please make an outline for your paper. For each paragraph that you will write, please write in complete sentences or questions. For example:

I. Topic sentence: Writing is a uniquely human endeavor.
a. What is the first evidence for writing?
b. Which humans first wrote?
c. What are the closest animal examples of writing?

II. Topic sentence: etc.
a. Support
b. Support
c. support.

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Biology: How effective is the current public health approach to
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