
How effective is the act and how is the act received


Write a one-two page that reflects on observations made of a persuasive act during an interaction observed/participated in, whether it is in person or online, on traditional media, or on social media. You will need to explain what makes the act persuasive. Students are encouraged to thoroughly explore the act, addressing the following questions: What is the persuasive act (i.e., message, symbol, act, gesture, etc.?) How effective is the act? How is the act received/regarded (environmentally, mood-wise, attitudinally, etc.)? Who is, was, or will be impacted by the act of persuasion? What are the indicators that they were impacted (laughter, smiling, frowning, verbal response, eye movements or facial expressions, etc.?) What are the student's/ observer's/participant's thoughts (attitude, judgment, favorable disposition) toward the act? Again, this is a journal entry about a persuasive act, so students should really explore what makes the act persuasive.

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English: How effective is the act and how is the act received
Reference No:- TGS03279438

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