
How effective do you think you are operating as a worker


I am a support teacher doing my work placement at a primary school. During my work placement I have set some goals for me to achieve and I have listed some stratieges on how to achieve these goals. These goals are:

A. To Improve my skills in differentiating classroom activities in order to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities

B. To improve my skills in behaviour/ classroom management techniques

C. To improve my communication skills with the students.

When I are midway through the tasks in my list of strategies within my work plan(how to achieve my above goals), I need to undertake a self-assessment of my work. This should take the form of a reflective learning journal at least one page long.
I should address the following issues in your journal entry:

A. What have you achieved so far?
B. What do you still need to achieve?
C. What difficulties or challenges have you encountered and how have you addressed them?
D. What have been your strengths (skills, knowledge and qualities) in working the plan?
E. What gaps or weaknesses (skills, knowledge and qualities) have you experienced in working the plan?
F. Overall, how effective do you think you are operating as a worker?
G. Reflect on the feedback you have received from your Supervisor and the changes you have made as a result of this feedback.

This part of the assignment is to identify challenges you are experiencing and to develop strategies to address them. It is an opportunity to grow and develop in your role by identifying strengths and weaknesses and areas for further training and skill development.

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Other Subject: How effective do you think you are operating as a worker
Reference No:- TGS03237131

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