
How eeg biofeedback can affect brain relaxation


EEG biofeedback and brain relaxation

This research examines how EEG biofeedback can affect brain relaxation and common disorders. Using commercial EEG equipment, the participants will be treated and tested to measure any improvement after EEG neurofeedback sessions. Electroencephalogram (EEG) neurofeedback treatment is likely to be effective for treating stress and diagnosed psychological disorders such as alcoholism, anxiety and trauma recovery. EEG neurofeedback can also increase relaxation and is showing great promise as an alternative to more invasive treatments, such as medication. Participants will use neurofeedback to affect mood and increase relaxation in a controlled environment that is closely monitored by qualified professionals. EEG neurofeedback should be used for at least ten sessions to show an effect. There are no known risks to EEG and the benefits show EEG may be a new frontier in medical treatment. The treatment will apply neurofeedback training to diagnosed disorders and measure the regulation of brain activity. The measures used include pre and post measure assessments to assess the effects of EEG biofeedback. The expected outcome will show support for the benefits of neurofeedback as treatment for several mental disorders. Participants will be debriefed and all questions answered.

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Other Subject: How eeg biofeedback can affect brain relaxation
Reference No:- TGS01882894

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