
How economic challenges might have affected your topics

Part 1 Essay

Within this unit, you have learned many things regarding the Gilded Age, while getting a quick peek into the Progressive
Age. Based on this knowledge from the lecture and readings, identify the one event introduced in this post-Civil War era
that you feel best represents Twain's imagery of the "Gilded Age." Explain your reasoning for this selection.

The essay should focus on, but not be limited to the following:

- Events surrounding the Native American assimilation efforts, specifically the Dawes Act.

- Elude to how opportunities in mining and trade out west impacted values during the Gilded Age, or were impacted
by values of the Gilded Age.

- Examine the values that you learned within this unit regarding the Gilded Age, and evaluate how they impacted,
or were impacted by, Manifest Destiny.

Your response should be at least 500 words in length. You are required to use only source material deemed academically
permissible for your response. All sources used, including textbooks, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted
material must have accompanying citations.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
HY 1120, American History II 3

Part 2 Essay

The list below includes some provocative discussions related to the events in this unit's reading. In an essay of a
minimum of 500 words, take a first-person perspective of the bulleted descriptions below. Develop an argument in your
own words, and justify academically the side of the argument you choose. The essay will need to reflect your
understanding of the time to avoid being anachronistic, and your argument must come from the standpoint of a first
generation immigrant and encompass each of the four elements below.

- Are you treated as equal by earlier generations?

- Would you feel pressured to pledge your loyalty to a political machine?

- Would you agree to engage in a strike?

- Do you feel leisure opportunities are divided by social class?

As this is a point of view essay, a modern perspective will not accurately address what the question is asking for. It is
strongly suggested that at least one selection from the provided source book is used as research of the event and views
of the time. All sources and their use must be appropriately identified per 6th edition APA format.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Part 3 Essay

Write a minimum 500 word essay characterizing the pre-war to post-war experience on the home-front. Write from the
perspective of a real-life person that would have experienced this era, such as a home town, family member, local
landmark, religious institution, or civic leader.

Your essay must discuss the relationship of this person's experience to the time period/event, and must include:

- reaction to British v. German naval battles;

- what changed because of the movement from isolationism;

- the experience of the local populations and varied demographics, including African Americans, women, and lower

- assess the relevance of your subject's concerns about the war's impact on the international community;

- the war's economic impact; and

- compare/contrast pre/post war experience.

To complete this assignment, a minimum of two (2) reputable sources must be used, cited, and referenced, only one of
which can be an assigned or provided text or source. Inappropriate resources, or failure to use resources that are
available in CSU's online library, can lead to deductions.

CSU librarians can help you with your research for this assignment.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Part 4 Article Critique

Pick a research topic that is of interest to you. Make certain that the topic is notable enough to locate at least one
published article. Some examples of effective topics could relate to: home town, a prominent family member, place of
worship, annual (local) cultural event, locally specific profession/interest, or local leader.

After you have selected your topic, locate at least one peer-reviewed article about your selected topic's experience in the
years between the world wars (1920-1936) and write a minimum 500 word article discussing the perception of the
experience from your topic's point of view. Make certain to include the following:

- how the return from war, and return to war, affected families and surrounding demographics;

- how economic challenges might have affected your topic's experience;

- how the migrations of numerous social and economic groups during this time impacted your topic;

- any impact that social movements, such as Flapper Culture, Lost Generation, or the Harlem Renaissance, had on
the cultural interests of your topic; and

- any New Deal programs which may have affected your topic.

HY 1120, American History II 4

If you are unfamiliar with the expectations of this assignment, the supplemental resources in the study guide include a
tutorial. Failure to use appropriate resources or resources that are available in the university library, or if your source(s)
do not meet the expectations of this assignment, it can lead to deductions. Articles used for this project need to be
accessible to the class and professor; CSU provides service to elaborate databases for your search. To locate these
databases, press the "MyLibrary" tab within the course, or enter the library via the Student Forum, and scroll down to the
heading "Research Databases." From there you should find links to multiple databases, including "Academic OneFile"
and "Academic Search Complete" (aka Ebscohost). If you are having difficulty navigating the databases, or would like
help with your search, library and librarian contact information is available at the top of the page; our dedicated staff are
aware of this assignment, and can be a valuable resource. All other questions should be directed toward your professor.

Part 5 Essay

The list below includes some provocative discussions related to the events in the unit's reading. You will choose one to
write a 500 word essay in which you will take a first-person perspective of the situation, describe the debate in your own
words, and provide a justified and academically defended argument for one side or the other. The essay will need to
reflect your understanding of the time to avoid being anachronistic, and your argument must relate to one of the viable
outcomes from that time.

- As a multi-generational American citizen, in the wake of Pearl Harbor, do you support the internment of your
Japanese neighbors?

- As an 18 year old, male high school senior, are you eager or fearful of going to war?

- As an 18 year old, female high school senior, are you eager or fearful of going into the wartime factories?

- Is the crisis in Europe something that the U.S. should join in; or should the U.S. remain isolated? (Use a
perspective from no later than November 1941.)

- Is the possibility of ending the Depression reason enough to join the war?

Whichever first-person topic above you select, you must consider the influence of the below factors and conditions which
are relevant to all the topics and provide historical detail relevant to your topics:

- perceptions or impacts of limitations on and advocacy for civil rights,

- influence by propaganda or stereotypes,

- impacts of international events or crises, and

- impacts of economic conditions.

As this is a point of view essay, a modern perspective will not accurately address what the question is asking for. To
complete this assignment, a minimum two (2) reputable sources must be used, cited, and referenced, only one of which
can be an assigned or provided text or source; it is strongly suggested that the one selection is from the provided source
book and used as research of the event and/or views of the time. Inappropriate resources, or failure to use resources that
are available in CSU's online library, can lead to deductions. All sources and their use must be appropriately identified per
6th edition APA format.

CSU librarians can help you with your research for this assignment.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Part 6 Essay

The list below includes provocative discussions related to the events in the unit's reading. You will choose one and write a
500 word essay in which you will take a first-person perspective of the situation, describe the debate in your own words,
and provide a justified and academically defended argument for one side or the other. The essay will need to reflect your
understanding of the time to avoid being anachronistic, and to demonstrate that your argument is appropriate for that time.

- As a woman in the 1950s, how would you feel about the stereotype of the wife and mother on popular television

- Having been a multi-season Brooklyn Dodgers ticket holder in 1947, would you actively cheer for Jackie

- As a parent to male teenagers, what is your perspective of the Korean conflict?

- As a World War II veteran, what are your thoughts about either the Truman Doctrine or Containment?

- As a high level politician in the know, do you feel the American public deserves to be told about NSC 68?
HY 1120, American History II 5

As this is a point of view essay, a modern perspective will not accurately address what the question is asking for. It is
strongly suggested that at least one selection from the provided source book is used as research of the event and views
of the time. All sources and their use must be appropriately identified per 6th edition APA format.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Part 7 Essay

Cultural Media Perspective

As you have learned from this unit, the views and opinions within culture began evolving during the 60s and 70s. Taking
this into consideration, choose an individual subject, title, or artist from the list of eligible media genres below. Next,
assess the role that your topic played as a response to the cultural evolution surrounding the Cold War, Vietnam, and
reform in the United States. Finally, synthesize the outcome of the topic you choose in regards to role it played on leisure
and culture within the United States then, and how your selected message or artist is viewed today.

Choose an individual subject, title, or artist from the list of eligible media genres below:

- Songs (which might include a selection from):
o Anti-War/Protest
o "Pop-Music"
o Motown

- Reform minded publications

- Controversial movies/television shows

The final product should be a 500 word essay which identifies your topic, selection, and medium. In addition, a minimum
of two (2) reputable sources must be used, cited, and referenced in APA format-only one of which can be an assigned
book (text or source). Appropriate selections can include music, poetry, literature, cinema, television, theatre, articles
(from a distinguished publication), or other major media which highlight the original subject.

Encyclopedias (online or print), message boards, or any source that can be amended without educated review are not
considered appropriate. Failure to use appropriate resources, or resources that are available in CSU's online library, can
lead to deductions. CSU librarians can help you with your research for this assignment.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Part 8 Scholarly Activity

Trace the evolution of your, or another chosen, profession, field of study, or branch of service, during the eras of American
History covered in this course. For some, this may mean looking at the technology or opportunity that would evolve from
as far back as the 1860s into what is used today. Be sure to follow the themes of the Market, Transportation, and
Technological Revolutions and describe how necessity would breed innovation; also, highlight how events, like reform,
war, economic, and progress may have directly impacted your profession.

Your final product should be a minimum of 500 words. To complete this assignment, a minimum two (2) reputable sources
must be used, cited, and referenced-only one of which can be an assigned book (text or source).

Encyclopedias (online or print), message boards, or any source that can be amended without educated review are not
considered appropriate. Failure to use appropriate resources, or resources that are available in CSU's online library, can
lead to deductions. CSU librarians can help you with your research for this assignment.


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History: How economic challenges might have affected your topics
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