How east chestnut regional health distribute new product


Develop the Marketing Mix strategies you recommend that East Chestnut Regional Health System will implement. Read instructions carefully. Some information is to be done individually and discussed in the team forum.

After collaborations and exchanging of information in the team space, only one document is to be submitted in the team's homework.

Individually, create your marketing mix strategy by completing parts 1 to 4 below.

• Part 1: Product Strategy:

Prepare 150 to 300 words summary of your product or service strategy for a new or revised existing product or service you recommend that East Chestnut Regional Health System develop. Include the following:

State your value proposition. Include the following elements:

o Customer value
o Collaborator value
o Company value

Explain your product/service strategy. Include the following elements:

o Describe the new or revised product or service in terms of product/service features and resulting consumer benefits.
o Explain how the new or revised product/service strategy satisfies consumers' needs.
o Describe how the product or service differs from that of the competition.

• Part 2: Pricing Strategy:

Prepare 150 to 300 words summary of the pricing strategy for the new or revised product or service for East Chestnut Regional Health. Include the following:

o Description of your pricing strategy (How will you set the price for your product or service. For example, what do you plan to charge for a visit to the Women's Health Clinic for a particular service provided?)

o Cost basis for your pricing strategy (What does it cost to produce or deliver one product or element of service, for example, to deliver one visit to the Women's Health Clinic for a particular service provided?)

o Primary and secondary marketing research support for your pricing strategy (For example, what is normally covered by insurance? What does the competition charge for the same or similar service?)

• Part 3: Placement Strategy:

Prepare a 150 to 300 words summary of how East Chestnut Regional Health will distribute the new or revised product or service.

• Part 4: Promotion Strategy:

Prepare 150 to 300 words summary of your recommended promotional strategy for how East Chestnut Regional Health will promote the new or revised existing product or service you recommend. Include the following:

o Traditional advertising elements and budget
o Social media and online advertising elements and budget
o Website use
o Public relations strategy and budget
o Special event and/or promotional elements and budget
o Description of a consistent, coordinated message to be presented through all promotional elements

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

o The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

o The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

o Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Marketing Management: How east chestnut regional health distribute new product
Reference No:- TGS03171767

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