
How each stakeholder group would benefit

Problem 1. Cellphone tower repair contracting can be a cutthroat industry. In order to stay competitive, many companies are forced to shed whatever fiscal ballast they believe they can lose--worker training, equipment, and even workers' compensation coverage--allowing them to submit lower bids for contracts and still turn a profit. Clearly this is an unethical practice, but how could it be avoided?

Problem 2. Cell carriers give several reasons for why they outsource their tower work: building and maintaining towers, though crucial to cell service, isn't part of their core business. They also point out that contractors have greater expertise with construction and it's more economical to hire workers where and when needed, given the up-and-down volume of work. Handling tower work this way also insulates companies atop the contracting chain from legal and regulatory consequences when there are accidents. Is it unethical for cell carriers to outsource their work on the towers? Why or why not?

Problem 3. The ethical dilemma in the cell tower scenario is that the lack of regulation, poor attention to safety, and interest in fast and cheap work are costing people their lives. Who are the stakeholders in the building and maintenance of these cell towers? Devise a solution for the industry and describe how each stakeholder group would benefit from the option you've envisioned.

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Other Management: How each stakeholder group would benefit
Reference No:- TGS03367616

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