
How each object or surface is body scaled or adapted


Part A

a) Consider each of the three objects described in the next section. First, describe how that object has been scaled or adapted compared with the object or surface for able-bodied users.

b) Describe how the object might be used and for what types of disabilities. That is, what action does the object afford a user that a regular object or surface would not afford someone with a certain disability?


a) The first object is a movable step only 3 in. high. It is covered with a slip-resistant rubber mat and can be placed in front of the doorway to one's house.

b) The second object consists of two vertical tracks (walls) attached to a nonslip base. The tracks are positioned to form a V so that jars of different sizes can be wedged between the tracks that hold the lid securely.

c) The last object, called a round scoop dish, is a plastic dish with a regular rim in the front. The rim on the sides gets gradually higher until it is several inches high on the back of the dish and slightly curves back over the dish.

Part B

a) Identify two other pieces of equipment that afford someone with a disability an action otherwise not possible. You might list equipment used by someone you know who has a disability, or you can search the Internet using the term adaptive equipment.

b) Describe how each object or surface is body scaled or adapted.

c) Describe how each object might be used and what types of disabilities it is meant to address.

d) How does the notion of scaling or adapting objects and surfaces to afford certain actions fit into the perception-action?

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Other Subject: How each object or surface is body scaled or adapted
Reference No:- TGS03229149

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