
How does your organization deal with crisis

Thought provoking questions for journal assignment

Use these guiding questions to generate ideas and thoughts for your journal.

1. How does your organization deal with crisis? Do decisions come from the top down, or are solutions generated from the base of the organization?

2. Who or what has control of knowledge in an organization, and how does that impact decision-making during crisis situations?

3. Who defines groups in an organization?

4. How do you respond to Morgan`s analysis of organizations as political systems? Do you think that politics in such organizations help or hinder crisis resolution? How?

5. Give an example of a non-political organization that has a `political system` feel to it.

6. How do leaders make effective decisions during a time of transition? Give an example from a film that you have watched.

Write a 1,250-word (approximately 5 double-spaced typed pages) journal entry discussing your thoughts and ideas about the different stages in the development of an organization. Label this `Unit 4 Journal Assignment.`

The text that I am using for this course is, `Morgan, Gareth. (1996). Images of Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Schein, Edgar H. (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership. 3rd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

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