
How does your daily fat intake compare to recommendations

Macronutrient Evaluation


1. What % of your grains were whole grains?

Hint: look at the amount of whole grains you ate compared to the total number of grains eaten; show your work or rationale

2. Write 2 ways to increase your whole grains.

3. Any obstacles in doing this?

Fruits and Veggies

4. Compare your intake to the intake recommended in the myplate recommendations for each day.

5. Provide 2 suggestions for incorporation of more fruits/veggies into your diet.

6. Any obstacles in doing this?


7. What is your RDA for protein (.8 g Pro/kg)? Show calculation.

Hint: 1 kg = 2.2 pounds; divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 to get kg

8. Are you meeting the RDA for protein? Hint: Look at your 3-day average protein intake and compare to your calculation in #7.

9. What are 2 disadvantages of excessive protein?


10. How does your daily fat intake compare to recommendations?

11. Are you excessive in saturated fat and cholesterol intake?

12. State 2 ways to increase good fat sources and decrease bad fats sources in your diet?


13. How does your overall caloric intake compare with recommendations?

14. If you continue to eat this way, how will your weight be affected?

16. What is your BMI and what does that mean?

Hint: can use the CDC BMI calculator, https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/index.html

15. What is your desirable body weight? How did you determine this? What are your weight goals (loss, maintain, gain)?

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Science: How does your daily fat intake compare to recommendations
Reference No:- TGS01256765

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