
how does your answer to this question compare

How does your answer to this question compare with mine, which follows?

i) To begin with, 1 laid the beads out in a row for counting, so that I wouldn't leave any out or count any of them twice. In other words, I placed them ii an order.

ii) Next, to count them I began reciting number names in the conventional counting sequence. I could do this because I know enough of them in that order, at least as many as the number of beads I was asked to count. While counting them, I touched each bead once (actually or mentally) as I said each number name, and left no bead untouched. This means that 1 paired one bead with one number name. In other words, 1 set up a one-to-one correspondence.

iii) At each stage of counting, I classified the beads into two groups'- those that had been counted, and those that were still to be counted.

iv) As I touched the tenth bead ( I had 10 beads altogether), I said 'ten'.

Seconds later 1 said that I have ten beads. This means that the label 'ten'. Which associated with the touching of the last bead, has changed its role and is now used to describe all the beads.

So, carried out four different processes to be able to count the number of beads - ordering, classifying, setting up a one-to-one correspondence and using a number name in two different ways.

But where do most of us begin when we introduce counting to children? We don't even bother to find out whether the child has the ability to sort and to order objects. And, regarding one-to-one correspondence, we just indicate once or twice to the child that each object should be touched only once in coding.

We don't give her enough time to understand or practise what this actually means. So we should not be surprised if a child, on being reprimanded for counting incorrectly, responds as Rani did:

"But what's wrong? You asked me to say 'one, two, three .... ' and touch these things the same time. So what if I can say till 20 as I touch them, and you can say only !ill I5 !"

The fourth step listed above is the most confusing of them all to a child. The following situation often arises in this context.

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Mathematics: how does your answer to this question compare
Reference No:- TGS0272637

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