
How does wuzong describe the buddhist monks and nuns


A. How is the spread of Buddhism described? How does it conflict with the traditional activities of Chinese society?

B. How does Wuzong describe the Buddhist monks and nuns?

C. What actions did Wuzong order to suppress Buddhism?

D. What aspects of traditional Chinese life were at the center of the debate over its compatibility with Buddhism?

E. How would the monk Zhu Seng Du have defended the activities of monks?

F. Does it surprise you that a Shinto god of war was integrated into Japanese Buddhism? Why or why not?

G. To what groups in Japanese society might such a hybrid deity appeal?

H. How does the status and daily life of women in china, as described by Ban Zhao, compare with that of women in India, according to The Laws of Manu?

I. What features of Buddhism made it successful throughout East Asia?

J. Why would people in less-developed areas of the world at this time, such as Sri Lanka and Japan, want to borrow cultural, religious, and political ideas from their more advanced neighbors?

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History: How does wuzong describe the buddhist monks and nuns
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