
How does work consist in an instrumental view of the world


I. On the "Protagoras" dialogue by Plato.

What is the key "axiom" which Pr. tells S. will get him out of his "perplexity" (Aporia) as to whether Virtue is believed by the Greeks (Athenians) to be taught and how? What is it that S doesn't "see"? Given what Pr. asserts how does he indicate the way in which a raising and "educating" youngsters "teaches" them Virtue? What is it that they are being taught? How are they "learning" it?

II. On "The Human Condition" by Hannah Arendt

How does "Work" consist in an "instrumental" view of the world? What is the "world" and how does it depend on the "durability" of things? What are "things" out of which emerges as an unreal virtual "reality" the world for Arendt?

Be sure to explain what "instrumentality" signifies (briefly but clearly) and then you may use whatever means you can invent to explain its centrality of the experience and the doing of "work" activities.

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