How does word mist impact the meaning in this quote


In the excerpt we read from "From Emperor to Citizen," why does P'u Yi say that "Whenever I think of my childhood, my head fills with a yellow mist?" What does the word "mist" suggest, and how does it impact the meaning in this quote?

Follow the RARE Strategy:

1) Re-state the question (In "From Emperor to Citizen," P'u Yi talks about his head filling with yellow mist when thinking about his childhood because ...)

2) Answer the question (explain why he says this, what mist suggests, and how this word changes the meaning)

3) Reasons why (Explain why your evidence proves your ideas above)

4) Examples/Evidence (Provide details/pieces of textual evidence from the excerpt to show what he is talking about in terms of his childhood and what the "mist" is that he mentions.)

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English: How does word mist impact the meaning in this quote
Reference No:- TGS03357080

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