
How does womens literature reflect the complex experiences

Write 5 pages about the right of women in voting or in education in the 19th century and now.

II. Course Description

How does women's literature reflect the complex experiences and realities of their lives?

This survey of women's literature will examine the changing role American and British women have experienced culturally, sexually, politically and psychologically through their writing. By studying women's literature, you will have consider and challenge the role of stereotypes, inequities and opportunities that have significantly shaped the status of women from the eighteenth century to the present. You will be encouraged to compare your contemporary attitudes toward women with the writing selections that will be discussed in class. Given the short and compressed length of this course, we'll be focusing on major aspects of women's literature and how they intertwine with complex issues of race, class and other important issues.

III. Instructional Methods/Student Activities

Combination of reading assignments, in-class writing, formal essay assignments, classroom discussions, and group activities.

IV. Course Requirements

Students are expected to come prepared to each class session by having the required reading completed and by having any deliverables for that class session completed prior to attending. Attendance and participation for the course will include informal assignments, peer review participation, and active class discussion.

Students are encouraged to write weekly in a reading journal. This is meant to be an informal way to keep track of notes, encourage and document brainstorming for reflection assignments, record questions, and to generally refer to it throughout the course.

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Reference No:- TGS02379315

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