How does wilkersons existing cost system operate

Discussion Post

Read carefully the case study entitled Wilkerson Company and answer the following questions.

• How does Wilkerson's existing cost system operate? Develop a diagram to show how costs flow from factory expense accounts to products.

• Develop and diagram an activity-based cost model using the information in the case. Provide your best estimates about the cost and profitability of Wilkerson's three product lines. What difference does your cost assign- ment have on reported product costs and profitability? What causes any shifts in cost and profitability?

• Based on your analysis for question 2, what actions might Wilkerson's management team consider to improve the company's profitability?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Accounting Basics: How does wilkersons existing cost system operate
Reference No:- TGS03189864

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