
How does wellbeing change across the lifespan evaluate both


Essay Questions

Choose one question out of these questions.

• How does wellbeing change across the lifespan? Evaluate both theory and research evidence in your answer. (JM)

• Compare and contrast the merits and shortfalls of the biomedical and social models in describing the impact of being diagnosed with a long-term condition (PN)

• Critically consider the contribution made by researchers from a feminist perspective on our understanding of postpartum depression. (RS)

• Examine how stereotypes affect individuals' health and well-being from childhood to old age.(BH)

• Critically assess the relative roles of cultural and structural factors underpinning decisions surrounding childhood immunisation in under-immunised groups (DS)

• Discuss the research on life events within early adulthood and evaluate how these affect mental and physical health.(OR)

• Compare two issues that the biopsychosocial discussions about death address regularly. (CML)

• Discuss what the main limitations of the biopsychosocial model are regarding aging. (CML)

• Explain why agency is an important category in contemporary discussions of illness and health. (CML)


3000 words will mean you need to think carefully about structure.

You need to contrast two theories and discuss at least four articles that discuss empirical evidence

When describing theory, make it clear

1) which element of health the theory seeks to explain
2) that your explanation is full
3) what the theory would predict
4) Consider any clashes with alternative theories- on which points do they disagree?

When describing research, make clear;

1) The purpose of the research- what are the testing? A particular theoretical position?
2) Who were the participants in the research
3) What were they asked to do?
4) What were the results?
5) What are the implications of those results for theory?
6) Can you find any criticisms?Consider validity, generalisability and reliability.

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Dissertation: How does wellbeing change across the lifespan evaluate both
Reference No:- TGS02237505

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