
How does weber chart the progression of christian views on

Reading Response Exercise - Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism


Answer all questions.

1. At the beginning of this chapter, esp. pp. 23-25, Weber discusses the ethic of ascetic Protestantism, otherwise know as Puritanism. What evidence does he use to illustrate this ethos? What are its main characteristics? Summarize the main points as clearly as you can. Give examples.

2. How does Weber chart the progression of Christian views on labor, the division of labor, and the moral duty to follow a calling or occupation? (See pp. 25-29.) How did the Puritan view about wealth differ from other ascetic religious views? (See also, p. 35.)

3. What are the ironic, unintended consequences that came of this strict Puritan view of labor and wealth? How was Protestant asceticism undermined? What took its place?

4. In the last pages of this chapter (pp. 36-38), how does Weber describe the world the Protestant Reformation left us with? What are some of the ways Weber describes this condition of modernity? How does Weber seem to evaluate this modern world? What do you think of his position? How would you say it resembles or differs from Marx's views on the division of labor and capitalist development?

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