
How does torvald treat his wife nora


Read either

A Doll's House

by Henrik Ibsen or

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. You can find the works online by putting in for your search A Doll's House, by Henrik Ibsen

Project Gutenberg or Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad Project Gutenberg.

If you choose to read

A Doll's House answer both of the following questions:

Q1. How does Torvald treat his wife Nora? What is the secret that Nora tries to keep from him?

Q2. Why does she decide to leave her husband? Why would this ending have shocked people back then?

If you choose to read Heart of Darkness, answer both of the following questions:

Q1. When Marlow meets Kurtz, how do his impressions of him change from what people earlier had said about Kurtz?

Q2. In what ways is Heart of Darkness an indictment of European imperialism in the so called Congo Free State? How do es Conrad use the Kurtz character to illustrate the evils of imperialism in the Congo?

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History: How does torvald treat his wife nora
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