
How does thurmans writing compare to the life


Howard Thurman (1899-1981), an African American pastor committed to non-violence, sees Christians as called to the task of making this world a better place for all people. In a thoughtful couple of paragraphs, discuss the following: What are his insights into understanding Christian calling based on Jesus' own temptation in Matthew 4:1-11? (See especially the sections on the first and third temptation in Thurman's writing). With that, how is what he says here true, based on Jesus' teaching in Matthew 5-7?: "It is not enough to save the souls of men; the relationships that exist between men must be saved also." Finally, how does Thurman's writing compare to the life and writing of Dorothy Day (1897-1980), the protester, writer, single mother, convert to Catholicism, advocate for the poor, and founder of Catholic Worker Movement?

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